Dé belangenbehartiger van alle Europese militairen
De Europese Organisatie van Militaire Verenigingen (EUROMIL) spant zich in voor de sociale en professionele belangen van alle militairen binnen alle rangen in Europa. EUROMIL vormt een Europese koepelorganisatie van in totaal 34 vakbonden en vakcentrales, die de belangen behartigen van militair personeel in 22 landen. Het EUROMIL-hoofdkantoor bevindt zich in Brussel.
Namens Nederland zijn de AFMP en de MARVER bij EUROMIL aangesloten. Dit doen zij vanuit hun solidariteit met de militaire bonden uit alle Europese landen en natuurlijk met al het hierbij aangesloten militair personeel. Via diverse lobbytrajecten oefent EUROMIL invloed uit op het NAVO- en EU-beleid en op de Europese sociale wet- en regelgeving. Een goed voorbeeld hiervan zijn tien aanbevelingen van EUROMIL, die de NAVO enkele jaren terug heeft overgenomen en nu hanteert bij de planning van missies. Ook de huidige beschermende regels voor goede arbeidsomstandigheden en daaraan gerelateerde wetten voor militairen zijn te danken aan de inspanningen van EUROMIL. Nederlandse militairen zijn hiervan anno 2022 steeds minder uitgezonderd. De wetten vormen een nationale uitwerking van Europese wetgeving, waarin mede dankzij de lobby van EUROMIL in de afgelopen decennia ook steeds meer zaken voor militairen zijn opgenomen.
EUROMIL waarborgt een goede sociale dialoog tussen de Europese militaire bonden. Door deze dialoog, waaraan de AFMP en de MARVER natuurlijk hun steentje bijdragen, ontpopt EUROMIL zich de laatste jaren tot veel meer dan een lobbyorganisatie. Niet voor niets vormt deze organisatie vandaag de dag een serieuze gesprekspartner aan de Europese overlegtafel. Op politiek-strategisch niveau in Europa wordt er dan ook steeds meer geluisterd naar wat EUROMIL als Europese belangenbehartiger voor militairen allemaal te vertellen heeft. De afgelopen jaren namen militaire vertegenwoordigers van de NAVO en politieke vertegenwoordigers van het Europese parlement ook de moeite om tijdens de Presidiums van EUROMIL met leden de dialoog aan te gaan over diverse relevante onderwerpen.
19 december 2024
EUROMIL omarmt de ontwikkeling van een volwaardig Comité voor Veiligheid en Defensie
16 december 2024
Prioriteiten van het Poolse voorzitterschap van de EU-Raad
10 december 2024
Luxemburg debatteert over dienstplicht en militaire reserves
9 december 2024
Nieuws uit Spanje: Noodhulpmilitairen
4 december 2024
EUROMIL verwelkomt het rapport van 2024 van de Coordinated Annual Review on Defence (CARD)
4 december 2024
Europese Commissie: Een witboek over de toekomst van de Europese defensie
4 december 2024
MILEX24: naar een veerkrachtige en veelzijdige EU-capaciteit voor snelle inzet
4 december 2024
Militaire mobiliteit: is het hoog tijd voor een militair Schengen?
17 september 2024
Het nieuwe college van commissarissen van Europa: een keerpunt voor de Europese defensie?
13 september 2024
Gender, inclusiviteit en de strijdkrachten
10 september 2024
Het Draghi-rapport: een nieuw pad voor Europees concurrentievermogen in de militaire sector
5 september 2024
Balans tussen rechtvaardigheid en plicht: het debat over AWOL en hervorming van de desertiewetgeving in Oekraïne
27 augustus 2024
Navigeren op het gebied van mondiale veiligheids- en defensie-uitdagingen: een uitgebreid vooruitzicht voor de komende maanden
14 augustus 2024
Militaire dienst: een brug tussen jeugd en maatschappij?
7 augustus 2024
Het versterken van de militaire rechten in Europa: het hoofd bieden aan uitdagingen in Italië
3 augustus 2024
De Ierse defensiewet (wijzigingswet) 2024
23 juli 2024
De tweede termijn van Ursula van der Leyen: kansen en zorgen voor Europese defensie
19 juli 2024
Pleidooi voor gelijke rechten tijdens 129e AV EUROMIL
Bron: OpLinie
12 juli 2024
Pleidooi voor gelijke rechten tijdens 129e AV EUROMIL
Bron: Interventie
18 juni 2024
G7: veiligheid wordt koud geserveerd
10 juni 2024
Controversiële campagnetactieken: het gebruik van militaire beelden bij de Europese verkiezingen
De NAVO-top in Washington DC: EUROMIL's oproep tot actie voor militaire rekrutering en retentie!
PFEARFU: Seminar over huiselijk geweld
7 juni 2024
Seminar over militaire status politieagenten, Spanje, 5 en 6 juni
3 juni 2024
Een oproep tot actie: onwrikbare steun voor Oekraïne in het licht van de brutale Russische agressie
Bron: AFMP
sociale dialoog
EUROMIL welcomes the development of a fully fledged Security and Defence Committee
19 december 2024 - The European Parliament has voted for the upgrade of the subcommittee on Security and Defence to a full standing committee, reflecting the importance in addressing Europe’s security challenges. This change, alongside the establishment of other new committees, was proposed by President Metsola and political group leaders to align with citizen concerns and parliamentary priorities. The new Security and Defence Committee will have 43 members, with its responsibilities complementing the Foreign Affairs Committee (AFET). The transformation will take effect during the January 2025 plenary session, signalling a stronger focus on strategic defence policy and security coordination at the EU level.
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Priorities of the Polish Presidency of the EU Council
16 december 2024 - On 1st January, Poland takes over the Presidency of the EU Council. The six-month Polish Presidency follows Hungary, and will be followed by Denmark from 1 July till 31 December 2025. The Polish presidency will focus on 7 main priorities:
- Defence and Security
- Protection of people and borders
- Resistance to foreign interference and disinformation
- Ensuring security and freedom of business
- Energy transition
- Competitive and resilient agriculture
- Health security
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'Gastheer mag zich helaas geen vakbond meer noemen'
13 december 2024 - In de Hongaarse hoofdstad Boedapest vond onlangs de 130e Algemene Vergadering plaats van EUROMIL, de Europese Organisatie van Militaire Verenigingen en Vakbondsorganisaties. Gastheer waren de collega’s van Honvéd Érdekképviseleti Szervezet (HESZ), wat in het Nederlands neerkomt op landweer belangenvertegenwoordigingsorganisatie. Voorheen was deze organisatie bekend onder de naam HOSZ. Een naamswijziging was echter onontkoombaar, nadat de regering van Hongarije bepaalde dat zij zich per 1 juli 2024 geen vakbond meer mocht noemen. “Een achteruitgang,” zo benadrukte kaderraadslid Gil Bruel die namens de AFMP bij de AV aanwezig was.
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Luxembourg Debates Conscription and Military Reserves
10 december 2024 - Luxembourg’s defence strategy has become a main point of discussion following the statement by the Chief of the Armed Forces on the need to enhance the country’s resilience in todays’ unpredictable geopolitical environment and thus the idea of re-introducing conscription in the country was underlined. However, the Chief of the Armed Forces stated that such decisions are up to the policymakers. Besides, Defence Minister Yuriko Backes has also expressed the need for a discussion on the topic. As a result, a public petition published on 22 November has calls for the right to say “no” to obligatory military service. The petition has so far garnered 30% of the required signatures with still 30 days to go.
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News from Spain: Emergency military workers
9 december 2024 - Following the Casares (Guadalajara) fire in July 2005, which claimed the lives of eleven firefighters, the Zapatero Government, with José Bono as Minister of Defence, decided to initiate a study for the creation of a military unit dedicated exclusively to address emergency situations. The large forest fire had shown a worrying lack of coordination between public administrations, delays in making resources available, deficiencies in command and control of participants, etc. The political debate, following a usual pattern, was polarized about responsibility between rulers of different political affiliations.
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EUROMIL welcomes the 2024 Report of the Coordinated Annual Review on Defence (CARD)
4 december 2024 - The recently released 2024 Coordinated Annual Review on Defence (CARD) report clearly states that while defence spending and cooperation in Europe have seen progress, there is still significant room for improvement. To ensure readiness and resilience of the European Armed Forces, the Member States need to take decisive actions to sustain investments and further enhance efficiency. Sustained and structured defence expenditure is critical, not only to modernize equipment but also to ensure military forces remain agile and prepared.
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European Commission: A White Paper on the Future of European Defence
4 december 2024 - The new European Commission began its work on December 1st, with an ambitious agenda for the first 100 days of the mandate. Among its priorities, Andrius Kubilius, the in augural Commissioner for Defence and Space, will join HRVP Kaja Kallas to present a White Paper on the Future of European Defence. Such document should address the urgent security challenges Europe faces today, while also outlining strategies to prepare for long-term threats. It aims to set the foundation for a stronger, more resilient European Defence by enhancing capabilities, reinforcing Member States’ armed forces, and lead towards the European Defence Union.
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Military Mobility: is it high time for a Military Schengen?
4 december 2024 - The ability to respond swiftly and effectively to external threats is of paramount importance. However, the movement of military forces across Europe often encounters bureaucratic obstacles and logistical barriers that hinder rapid reaction capabilities. This raises a pressing question: is it time for a “Military Schengen” that ensures seamless military mobility within the EU?
The concept of military mobility, sometimes referred as the “Schengen of Defence,” is not new but has gained renewed urgency due to the war in Ukraine, increasing hybrid threats, and growing instability at the EU’s borders. As the EU and NATO intensify cooperation, achieving a high level of readiness and interoperability depends significantly on the ability to deploy forces swiftly and efficiently across Member States.
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MILEX24: towards a resilient and versatile EU Rapid Deployment Capacity
4 december 2024 - Last year, the EU carried out its first live exercise (MILEX-23) of the Rapid Deployment Capacity (RDC), which took place 16-22 October 2023, in Spain. MILEX-24 was a Command Post Exercise (CPX), that took place 8 April – 3 May in Brussels. Connected to MILEX 24, is the EU RDC LIVEX, which started on the 26th of November in Bergen, Germany. The Operations Headquarters (OHQ) will be situated in the Military Planning and Conduct Capability (MPCC) in Brussels and the FHQ is Eurocorps.
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Europe’s new College of Commissioners: Is it a turning Point for European Defence?
17 september 2024 - On September 17, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen unveiled the new College of Commissioners, introducing a range of portfolios—some entirely new, others updated, and familiar ones like Budget and Transport. Notably, she announced the appointment of a Commissioner for Defence and Space. Over the past months various speculations have been around on what a dedicated EU Commissioner for defence means and what areas will the portfolio cover.
Andrius Kubilius (Lithuania) has been nominated as the new Defence Commissioner, who will work to boost the EU’s defence investment and industrial capacity, and focus on developing the European Defence Union. Besides, most probably we can speculate that he will also oversee the Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space (DG DEFIS). His responsibilities will include managing key defence industrial programs and policies, such as the European Defence Fund (EDF), the Action Plan on Military Mobility, the European Defence Industry Programme (EDIP), and the European Defence Industrial Strategy (EDIS). One of Kubilius’s key tasks will presumably be enhancing joint procurement of arms and ammunition, standardizing defence equipment, and addressing critical gaps in EU military capabilities. To achieve this, closer collaboration with the European Defence Agency (EDA) will be highly needed.
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Gender, Inclusivity and the Armed Forces
13 september 2024 - Gender inclusion is a concept that goes further gender equality, specifically it outlines the idea that all services, opportunities and institutions are open for every kind of people and that gender stereotypes are not able to define social roles and responsibilities.
Firstly, to guarantee inclusion is important to use a specific gender inclusive language this means avoiding word or imagery choices that may be interpreted as biased, discriminatory or demeaning.
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The Draghi Report: A New Path for European Competitiveness in the Military Sector
10 september 2024 - The Draghi report, commissioned by the European Commission, sets out a vision for revitalizing Europe’s competitiveness in the face of growing global challenges, especially from China and the United States. The report, prepared by former Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, calls for unprecedented investment in the EU’s industrial, defence, and technological sectors. To stay globally competitive, Europe must invest at least twice as much as it did after World War II, with common EU borrowing playing a key role. The goal is to drive innovation, restore productivity, and reduce energy costs.
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News from Greece
10 september 2024 - A major meeting took place of the federations representing Greek security forces and armed forces personnel. It criticizes the government for its recent decision to raise night shift compensation by just 20%, amounting to an insufficient €0.55 gross per hour. The federations express frustration with this symbolic increase, viewing it as inadequate and disrespectful given the challenges these personnel face. They plan further action to push for more substantial improvements and better recognition of their work. A decisive meeting will be held on September 11, 2024.
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Balancing Justice and Duty: The Debate on AWOL and Desertion Reform in Ukraine
5 september 2024 - On 17 July 2024, the Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian Parliament) adopted in the first reading of the draft law on the return to service of military personnel after the first absence without leave (AWOL) and desertion.
As noted on the website of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, “draft law No. 11322 opens up the possibility of returning to the service of servicemen and women who voluntarily left a unit or who deserted during martial law for the first time. In addition, they may be exempted from criminal liability.”
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Cοnscription Comeback: How Eurοpe is Reinventing Military Service
2 september 2024 - In respοnse to escalating glοbal tensions, particularly the war in Ukraine and ongoing conflicts in the Middle East, Eurοpean nations are reassessing their military strategies. A notable trend emerging is the reintroduction or strengthening of conscriptiοn policies across the cοntinent, signalling a significant shift in apprοach to national and regional security.
This resurgence of mandatory military service is not merely a return to old practices but a strategic response to contemporary challenges. Countries like Sweden and Lithuania, which reintroduced cοnscription in 2017 and 2015 respectively, are at the fοrefront of this movement. Their actions reflect a growing recognition of the need fοr robust, trained reserve fοrces capable of respοnding to diverse security threats.
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Navigating global security and defence challenges: a comprehensive outlook for the next months
27 augustus 2024 - The next six months are poised to bring significant security and defence challenges on multiple fronts, with Europe at the center of many developments. From the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine to the volatile situation in the Middle East, and from emerging tensions in Asia to the critical role of the United States, the global security landscape is set to demand robust and coordinated responses. Let’s explore these pressing issues, with a particular focus on Europe’s strategic positioning, the role of the European Commission, and the potential impacts of the upcoming U.S. presidential elections.
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Defending the voice of Italy’s military: a battle for representation rights
25 augustus 2024 - A critical situation is currently unfolding within the Italian military as ITAMIL, the first “military association with trade union character” in Italy, faces censorship and legal threats for its efforts to represent military personnel. ITAMIL, a member of EUROMIL, is under pressure after the Italian Army General Staff ordered the removal of two articles from its website. These articles, published on 26 June and 16 July 2024, critically address the inadequate economic provisions for military personnel in the ongoing contract renewal process.
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Military service: a bridge between youth and society?
14 augustus 2024 - The rising number of young people who are not in employment, education, or training (NEET) is a serious concern, as highlighted by the recent International Labour Organization (ILO) report. This trend points to a deeper issue of disconnection and lack of opportunities for many young people. One potential solution is military service, which has traditionally provided a pathway to education, skills, and a sense of purpose.
However, for the military to be a truly viable and appealing option, it must not only solve its recruitment and retention challenges but also become more closely aligned with the principles of democracy. While this alignment is the case in most democracies, unfortunately, it’s not the reality everywhere. As we’ve seen in some parts of the world, when internal conflicts arise, the military can sometimes act independently or even against the interests of the people. This highlights the critical importance of maintaining a military that is firmly rooted in democratic principles, where it serves the people, operates under civilian control, and is held accountable to the public. Only then can the military truly be a force for peace and stability, rather than a contributor to conflict.
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Strengthening military rights across Europe: tackling challenges in Italy!
7 augustus 2024 - ITAMIL, an Italian member association of EUROMIL, recently hosted MEP Leoluca Orlando. During a significant meeting with the MEP of the Greens/EFA group, discussions focused on the creation of a “European Charter of Rights for Military Personnel.” ITAMIL President Sandro Frattalemi emphasized EUROMIL’s crucial role in supporting this initiative, highlighting the importance of collective efforts to enhance military rights across Europe. EUROMIL looks forward to further discussions with MEP Orlando in Brussels to advance this initiative.
SILF speaks out to defend the rights and dignity of financial officers
3 augustus 2024 - The past week the Sindacato Italiano Lavoratori Finanzieri (SILF) together with FP-Cgil (Penitentiary) and SILP-Cgil (State Police) orchestrated a series of demonstrations across various Italian squares. This significant event aimed to advocate for the rights, interests, and dignity of finance officers in Italy. SILF, renowned for its unwavering commitment to representing finance officers, leveraged this occasion to spotlight the numerous challenges faced by these officers in their daily duties.
The demonstrations were held from morning till late afternoon, spanning major squares in cities such as Rome, Milan, Naples, and Florence. Hundreds of finance officers, union representatives, and supportive citizens gathered in solidarity, creating a powerful visual statement. The primary objective was to highlight the demanding nature of the finance officers’ work, call for better working conditions, and demand respect for their critical role in upholding financial integrity and law enforcement.
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Addressing inequity in military retirement benefits: AUME’s call for reform
3 augustus 2024 - EUROMIL’s member association AUME (Spain) addressed the issue of discrimination in the application of reduction coefficients for military personnel retirement. The organization highlights the disparity faced by military personnel in having their hazardous and strenuous work conditions recognized through appropriate retirement age reductions. AUME has communicated these concerns to the Ministry of Defence, advocating for a fairer system that acknowledges the unique demands of military service and ensures equitable treatment in retirement benefits.
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The Irish Defence (Amendment) Bill 2024
3 augustus 2024 - In December 2023, the Department of Defence (Irish Ministry of Defence) introduced proposals for amendments to the Irish Defence Acts. These proposed amendments would significantly impact the scope of representation and were drafted by the Department and submitted to cabinet (and approved) without any consultation with the Representative Associations.
The Bill provides for the establishment and operation, on a statutory basis, of the External Oversight Body, which was a welcome recommendation of the Independent Review Group. However, it specifically provides that the Oversight Body will oversee recruitment, matters related to induction, training, performance management and selection for promotion. The inclusion of the Secretary General of the Department of Defence as an ex officio member has been identified by speakers from all Government parties (including a former Attorney general and a former Justice Minister) as presenting a clear conflict of interest, and of damaging credibility, independence and autonomy.
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Ursula von der Leyen’s second term: opportunities and concerns for European Defence
23 juli 2024 - Ursula von der Leyen has been re-elected for a second term as President of the European Commission, securing her position with 401 votes in favor out of 707 total ballots cast on 18 July 2024. While EUROMIL supports von der Leyen’s plans to enhance European security by establishing a robust European Defence Union, there are significant concerns that have not been fully addressed in her strategy.
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Celebrating 75 years of NATO: Reflections from the 2024 Washington D.C. Summit
12 juli 2024 - This year marks a significant milestone for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) as it celebrates its 75th anniversary. The 2024 Washington D.C. Summit, held in the United States capital, served as a momentous occasion to reflect on the alliance’s rich history and its enduring commitment to collective defense and security. This year’s summit not only honored NATO’s past achievements but also paved the way for future strategies and partnerships in a rapidly evolving global landscape.
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The Washington D.C. NATO Summit: EUROMIL’s call to action for military recruitment and retention!
25 juni 2024 - The upcoming NATO Summit in Washington on 9 – 11 July 2024 is set to make significant announcements regarding the enhancement of defense production capacity for the alliance It should also be noted that high level US representatives underscore that quickly restocking military warehouses in Europe and the U.S. has been a pressing concern for NATO policymakers since the initial large shipments of weapons started flowing into Ukraine in early 2022.
The focus will be on multinational procurement, co-production with Ukraine, and ensuring that defense stocks are rapidly replenished. The summit aims to align NATO’s defense plans with industry needs, assuring long-term demand signals. Additionally, air defense systems for Ukraine will be a critical topic, with initiatives led by US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to procure more systems and integrate them effectively.
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PFEARFU: Seminar on Domestic Violence
10 juni 2024 - A seminar on the topic of Domestic Violence: The Social Responsibility of the Armed Forces in Preventing and Addressing the Phenomenon was successfully organized by PFEARFU and its Gender Equality Secretariat on Wednesday, June 5th.
The seminar focused on domestic violence both within and outside the Armed Forces and included the presentation of a Concise Guide for Assistance and Protection & an Informative Guide for the Prevention and Handling of Domestic Violence in the Armed Forces.
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Controversial campaign tactics: the use of military imagery in the European elections
10 juni 2024 - In the lead-up to the recent European elections, a controversial visual campaign by the French Rassemblement National (RN) sparked significant debate and condemnation from various quarters. The image, posted on the social media platform X in early June, depicted an individual in uniform with the caption, I am a gendarme/soldier, I vote Bardella, referencing the RN’s lead candidate Jordan Bardella. This post not only aimed to garner support but also stirred significant controversy regarding the appropriate use of military imagery in political campaigns.
General Christian Rodriguez, the head of the National Gendarmerie, was among the first to publicly denounce the visual. He took to social media to express his disapproval, calling the publication “unacceptable” and reminding the RN that military personnel are prohibited by their status from engaging in such political endorsements. Rodriguez’s tweet, which was retweeted over 2.000 times, highlighted the need to respect the duty of reserve expected of military members, especially during election periods.
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Seminar on Military-Status Police Officers – Spain, 5-6 June
7 juni 2024 - On 5-6 June 2024, the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) hosted a seminar titled “Policías con Estatuto Militar” (Police Officers with Military Status). This event provided a platform to explore the unique legal, operational, and historical aspects of police forces operating under a military framework. Key speakers included representatives from among others EUROMIL, EuroCOP, AUME, and AUGC.
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A call to action: Unwavering support for Ukraine in the face of brutal Russian aggression
3 juni 2024 - Several members of EUROMIL, have received a heart-wrenching message from our contacts and friends in Ukraine. This plea, rooted in the harsh realities of the ongoing war, calls for global attention and support to stop the brutal invasion and behavior perpetrated by Russia. We must amplify these voices and remind the world of the dire situation faced by Ukrainians.
“This is what happens if Russia comes to your home, and you try to protect it,” reads the message. The author, Halyna Kavun, appeals to colleagues and friends abroad, expressing regret for having to mention them but emphasizing the necessity of doing so. They are alarmed by the diminishing coverage of the war in the foreign press, highlighting comments from readers questioning if the war is still ongoing. “It terrifies me because the war is gaining momentum, but our voices are heard less and less.”
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NATO Parliamentary Assembly’s dual declarations: Supporting Ukraine and shaping NATO’s future
28 mei 2024 - In a timely move, the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA) has adopted two significant declarations at its Plenary Sitting of the Spring Session 2024 in Sofia, Bulgaria. The declarations 489 and 490 collectively emphasize unwavering support for Ukraine amidst Russian aggression and outline a strategic vision for NATO’s future.
The recent NATO PA meetings in Sofia have yielded significant and impactful declarations. However, the responsibility now lies with the parliamentarians to ensure that these declarations are thoroughly discussed and supported within their national parliaments and finally lead to concrete actions. Additionally, heads of governments and states will need to play a crucial role in advancing these discussions and commitments at the upcoming Washington Summit in July.
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Portuguese Military Associations want to be heard by the Minister of Defence on careers and wages
27 mei 2024 - On Saturday 25 May 2024, the Armed Forces’ Sergeants’, Officers’ and Enlisteds’ associations, unanimously approved a motion to hand over to the Minister of Defence, who they hope to hear from soon, about wages and careers.
This position was conveyed to journalists at a press conference at the Santo Amaro Academy in Lisbon, at the end of a meeting organised by the boards of the National Sergeants’ Association, the Armed Forces Officers’ Association and the Enlisteds’ Association, on their socio-professional conditions. All these three organizations representing military personnel are members of EUROMIL.
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AFMP liep mee in mars ter herdenking van Anjerrevolutie
24 mei 2024 - Een afvaardiging van de AFMP en onze zusterbond MARVER nam op de dag voorafgaand aan de 129e AV van EUROMIL, de Europese Organisatie van Militaire Verenigingen, deel aan een mars in Lissabon ter herdenking van de Anjerrevolutie op 25 april 1974, precies 50 jaar eerder dus. Het leger beëindigde destijds de dictatuur in het land, iets wat ongebruikelijk is bij revoluties en coups. In Portugal worden militairen daarom beschouwd als beschermers van het volk en de democratie.
Grote belangstelling
Met de nodige vertraging ging de mars van start. De publieke belangstelling hiervoor was namelijk onverwacht groot en ook wilden groepen meelopen die zich van tevoren niet hadden aangemeld. Volgens een voorzichtige schatting kwamen minimaal 100.000 belangstellenden op de mars af, maar waarschijnlijk waren dit er meer. Onder groot applaus van de toeschouwers namen twee pantservoertuigen de koppositie bij de mars in.
Portugese kameraden
De lopers in de EUROMIL-groep droegen een wit shirt en wit petje met hierop het EUROMIL-logo. De eerste rij mensen droeg een spandoek met de tekst ‘Estamos ao lado dos nossos camaradas portugueses, ofwel in het Nederlands ‘Wij steunen onze Portugese kameraden’. De mars verliep in een goede sfeer. Regelmatig zongen alle aanwezigen het in Portugal bekende Lied van de bevrijding. Voor onze afvaardiging was het mooi en indrukwekkend om de mars ter herdenking van de Anjerrevolutie mee te maken.
Gepubliceerd in op 24 mei 2024 verzonden AFMP-nieuwsbrief.
News from CS
2 mei 2024 - The Danish government, together with most of the parties in the Danish Parliament, has made an agreement for the Defense for the next nine years. The agreement covers up to 2033 but is divided into small chunks, called partial agreements, for the entire period. On Tuesday, the politicians came to an agreement on partial settlement 2, where almost DKK 90 billion Danish kroner, will be used for several new initiatives.
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EUROMIL-publicaties in OpLinie & Interventie
In het vier keer per jaar verschijnende ledenmagazine OpLinie van de AFMP en het ledenmagazine Interventie van de MARVER besteden we regelmatig aandacht aan de inspanningen van EUROMIL. Zo stond er in de in juli verschenen uitgave van beide bladen een verslag aan van de recente 129e Algemene Vergadering van EUROMIL in Lissabon. In de respectievelijk op 6 december en 13 december 2024 verschenen edities van OpLinie en Interventie vind je een uitgebreid verslag van de recente 130e Algemene Vergadering van EUROMIL in Boedapest.
OpLinie of Interventie kun je trouwens ook online lezen via respectievelijk deze link of deze link.